Innovate Your Construction

At Extrudia, we specialize in Additive Manufacturing solutions tailored for the construction industry, enhancing sustainability and profitability through advanced AMC systems.

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Person smiling in front of a sign with the logo and partially visible text, wearing a quilted jacket against a textured wall.

Our Story 

Innovating Construction Through Additive Manufacturing

Back in 2016 I asked my wife if she thinks that one can use a 3D Printer but instead of PLA, cement should be used as the main component.

​She said: "Well... you're crazy but let's see what's on Google." And so we did our research and in 2020 my good friends invested his own money to launch us.

​My parents found out what I was doing only in 2021 when we presented the first 3D printed house in Eastern Europe. Well that was something I can tell you.

​And since then if someone tells me that something is impossible, I just reply: "Challenge accepted!"

​Why? Because if we had backed down every time when someone said something can't be done, well we wouldn't be here today.

​At Extrudia, we specialize in additive manufacturing solutions specifically tailored for the construction industry. Our goal is to design, plan, and manufacture AMC systems that enhance profitability and sustainability for our clients.

Our mission revolves around creating a sophisticated network of systems that gather real-time data from live prints across the globe. This data fuels our AI system, enabling continuous improvement and innovation in our offerings.

We invite you to join us as we pave the way for a future where advanced technology meets sustainable practices in construction.

Our Mission

To create a global network of Additive Manufacturing systems and acquire live print data to enhance profitability and sustainability in the construction industry through our AI solutions.

Our Vision

To lead the construction industry by integrating innovative AMC systems that utilize data for optimization, promoting sustainable practices and shaping the future of construction through technology.

Join the Future of Construction with Extrudia

Enhance profitability and sustainability in your projects through innovative Additive Manufacturing solutions tailored for the construction industry.